I want to drive all night. coffee to keep us awake, watching the sunrise reflect off of a million skyscrapers following the highway towards a glittering new york skyline.
Let's leave tonight.
I took the time thismorning to re-educate myself in the world of photoshop. So I know it's no secret that I suck......not to shift the blame or anything but part of the problem is my lack of cs4. Elements is good and all......but if I'm going to take the time to learn this then I'd rather go full out.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Did this last night, inspired by the graphic novel 'shortcomings' by Adrienne Tomme.
Tell me what you think.
Leaves as a bed rest your head young Child of mine Smell of Cologne and cigerettes, you are alone tonight. Tonight; these scars wont lie.
Dont let him tell you you are wortless becasue you mean somthing to me
This night has tragic written all across its skyline and even this thought of it would even scare me.
And on these boats, ride the hopes of working class boys, dreaming of girls, from far away points. And better things. Like winter flings. And longing after spring has sprung. And they fly north when winter's done. And we get burned in summer's sun.
Every day we get a little further away from what we used to be. Every day I wish even more that I'd never spoken those words to you. If you have to be happy with somebody else; then I'll watch you float away. (because I treasure your smile over anything)